วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Learning log inside classroom 17/6/2013

Today, we are learning about Content-based instruction, Listening teaching, Reading teaching, Speaking teaching, writing teaching and Vocabulary teaching.
The first, content-based instruction. It focus on teaching content. Students can use English language for learning other subject by coordinate 4 skills with topic. Learning and teaching are on background knowledge of the learners. All of subject use content in English. Learn vocabulary from context. Vocabulary must easy and clear. Content have to start with easy until hard because it focus on students to use language for learning more contents.
The second, listening teaching. This approach focus on meaning more than language. There are 3 step to teach listening
1. Pre-listening - Plan the goals for listening, choose how to translate.
2. During-listening - cut the unnecessary for make you understand.
            - listen, view again for check comprehension.
            - ask for help.
3.After-listening - Evaluate comprehension and strategy that you use.
          - modify strategy if necessary.
The third, Speaking teaching. This approach, teacher is the tutor. They have to teach how to pronounce correct word and train learners for accuracy and fluency speaking.
The fourth, Reading teaching. Teach about many strategies such as how to catch the main idea. The fifth, Writing teaching. Teacher must understand the reason that students want to tell. Give them to write what they like and give a helpful feedback to them for develop their next writing.
The last is vocabulary teaching. Teacher won't to tell the meaning with learners. Give them how to guess the meaning from context and how to find the meaning by themselves.
There are many strategies for teaching that teacher have to find and bring it into teaching. If you want your students are successful in English language, you must help them.

